Leather Patch

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A leatherette patch personalised with a name or logo is a stylish and versatile accessory that adds a touch of elegance to any item. Made from high-quality synthetic material that resembles genuine leather, the leatherette patch offers a more affordable and cruelty-free alternative while maintaining a luxurious look and feel.

The personalised aspect of the patch allows you to make it truly unique and special. Whether you choose to add your name, a company logo, or a custom design, the possibilities are endless. The patch can be customized with precision and attention to detail, ensuring that your name or logo stands out beautifully.

Leatherette patches are commonly used on a variety of items such as bags, jackets, hats, or even furniture to add a personal touch or promote a brand. They can be easily attached using sewing, adhesive, or heat transfer methods, depending on your preference and the item you want to embellish.

Not only do leatherette patches add a touch of sophistication and individuality to your belongings, but they also serve as a lasting reminder of your style and creativity. They make for fantastic personalized gifts or promotional items, allowing you to express yourself or showcase your brand in a unique and memorable way.

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